Three reasons why women should train with weights. Like most people who try to keep their body fat low, I used to run, a lot , and it worked. Running helped keep my body fat levels very low indeed, but I wasn’t healthy. Running hundreds of kilometres a month wasn’t good for me. My knees and back ached, I slept badly, I was tired and irritable, and I looked gaunt. My life changed for the better when I started to lift weights.
Here are three reasons why…
One: Lifting weights makes it easier to manage your body composition lifting weights makes it easier to keep my body fat levels down. Think about it: most people in their late 30s and 40s would do anything to have the figure they had when they were in their 20s. The reason they looked better at that age was because they had more muscle. And yes, this applies to women as much as to men.
From the age of about 30, we start to lose muscle. This is a natural part of the ageing process known as sarcopenia. As we approach 40, this process speeds up. The problem is, muscle burns energy. The more muscle you have, the more food you can eat without gaining fat. And as you shed the muscle as you age, your body no longer needs those higher calories. If you continue to eat like you did in your 20s, you will put on fat because you don’t have the muscle mass to burn the food off. So, the lesson is: if you want the body you had in your 20s, you need to put muscle on. And weight training is the best way to do it.